Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut Feel Different this Year
Written By: Lori Zeligman
Dear Camp Judaea Community, Today and tomorrow, as we mark Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, our hearts are filled with reverence, gr
Shabbat is here again, but this time, Camp Judaea is filled with over 125 newly-trained staff members awaiting the arrival of our eager campers. Tonight we will welcome Shabbat with song and dance while reviewing the rules of Shabbat at CJ, but before we start our Shabbat prep, we want to share with you what we’ve been doing since we last caught up…
Earlier this week, we received a video from some of our first session campers telling us what they are looking forward to at camp and how the staff can make this summer great for them. This video was an inspiration to us this week as we planned peulot (activities), assigned staff members to each eda (unit), and set up around camp.
Before Shabbat, we have something to share with our campers and their parents— a response to your video! See what the staff has to say!
Wednesday morning, the merakzim revealed who would be working on each eda staff. Our leadership team worked late into Tuesday night (and Wednesday morning) to decide which staff members would be best suited for which campers. Everyone was pleased with their placements (and we’re sure the campers will be, too!), and the merakzim immediately encouraged staff bonding and putting them to work writing their peulot eda (educational activities by unit). By the end of the afternoon, everyone had packed their overnight bags and were on their way up the mountain for staff campouts. The tzevet (staff) enjoyed burgers, hotdogs, potatoes, s’mores, and rocky mountain toast at their sites before returning to camp Thursday morning.
And then it was back to work! Thursday, we were joined by Becky Borak who spoke to us about inclusion at camp— making sure that every camper is given the opportunity to participate in every activity despite their different abilities. She stressed to us that every camper has individual needs and that as a staff, it is our duty to tend to each camper and his/her needs. After lunch, each staff planned their tochniot erev (evening activities) which are usually games or pool parties or contests— everyone really enjoys planning and leading these! In the late afternoon, we attended a peulah about emotional safety and bullying; every staff member should be “ON” at all times, engaging with their campers, and nipping any questionable interactions in the bud before they turn into problems. Thursday evening, the staff was rewarded with time out of camp to refresh before the busy weekend (and to watch the basketball game).
This morning, Maya, our Head of Waterfront, is conducting staff swim tests and going over the procedures that the staff members must follow at the pool and lake. We want to make sure that everyone knows how the staff should be assisting the lifeguards during normal water peulot and what to do in case of an aquatic emergency. Following lunch (pizza if I’m not mistaken), we will hear from the camp medical staff about health in camp before beginning our Shabbat nikayon (cleaning) and prep.
We can’t wait until next Shabbat when we will have about 275 campers filling up all the empty space! Shabbat Shalom, Camp Judaea family. See you soon!