Camp Facilities Getting Ready for Camp Summer Camp News
April 5, 2019

The Leon Levine Foundation Awards Camp Judaea $500,000 To Support New Arts Center

Written By: Camp Judaea

The Leon Levine Foundation (TLLF) has awarded $500,000 to Camp Judaea (CJ) to support the building of a new Arts Center. The new center will be named ...

February 14, 2019

Saving the Jewish People

Written By: Camp Judaea

I once asked my dear best friend Keith Berman (z”l) why both he and I chose to work at Camp Judaea every single summer of our post high-school, youn...

Summer Camp News Young Judaea Activities
November 2, 2018

A Shabbat Message to Young Judaea Families

Written By: Camp Judaea

Dear Young Judaea Parents, We write to you today as your camp directors, educators, Jewish leaders, and parents. We share in the grief and pain of ...

CAMP STAFF Summer Camp News
October 25, 2018

Camp Counselor: The Best Internship I Ever Had

Written By: Camp Judaea

Submitted By: Rachel Wasserman, Camp Judaea Head of Aquatics 2018 Recently, I sat down with Career and Life Planning at my college to review my resum...

Alumni News
November 16, 2017

Camp Judaea Camper Pursues Eagle Project to Help Rebuild Puerto Rico

Written By: Camp Judaea

For his Eagle Project, Ethan Klein (Bogrim 2016) is collecting new and used tools that will be shipped by the Urban Paradise League to Puerto Rico to ...

Summer Camp News Young Judaea Activities
October 4, 2017

Camp Judaea Launches TIKKUN for Rising 11th Graders

Written By: Camp Judaea

Enroll Now! Tikkun aims to offer our campers a continued experience at Camp Judaea based on a combination of leadership training and community serv...

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